Bright Beginning Public School

About us

Bright Beginning Public School (BBPS), Farrukhnagar,  is a school that was founded on the vision of spreading value-based education to every corner of the country. The vision spearheaded by Mr. R. Kumar. This vision takes shape under the dynamism of Worthy Chairperson Mr. R. Kumar and in the forth coming future, the institute would be a model of quality education throughout the length and breadth of the state. In fact the school has been rooting records of its achievements for since 2021 years. 

BBPS has proved that private enterprise in education can produce the greatest results with no strain on the country’s exchequer. In spite of being in rural area, it has produced students who are self-reliant, confident, versatile, with the courage of conviction and endowed with a spirit of adventure and creativity. Above all, good human beings, who are upright citizens with a strong moral fiber, are ready to be the torchbearers of a resurgent India of the 21st century which again proves that all you need is the right vision, determination, altruism and sound management.



The institution adopts, as its goal, the best from our rich and varied heritage and inculcates it into the curriculum to bring about all round development of the students. The school endeavors to bring about a harmonious blend between the traditional and progressive method of education. One of the aims of the school is to inspire creativity amongst students, by encouraging them to discover their innate talents and aptitudes.

Our Mission

Bright Beginning Public School (BBPS) farrukhnagar founded with a stupendous mission and a grail, child–centered, co-educational, highly progressing and enterprising institution is pledged to provide quality education with a safe nurturing environment surrounded by the flora and bounty of nature conductive to learning where the learners can develop a desire to be challenged, a sense of independence, self – confidence and most important a love of learning that sets a strong foundation for their future.

Especially emphasized on traditional value besides academic excellence, the school is committed to inculcating in all its students strong ethical values of integrity, politeness, kindness and respect for elders along with its dedication to intellectual curiosity and personal growth in each individual through a strong curriculum based on a holistic approach.

Our institution also takes pride in providing a caring atmosphere to all its scholars just apt for the budding minds to be nurtured under a world class infrastructure, unmatched academic environment, innovative teaching techniques dedicated personalized care and opportunities for a lifetime of learning. 



“A child without education is like a bird without wings.”

Like a sapling that grows with careful nurturing and supervision, we have seen the birth and growth of an education system of which BBPS has been the crux and it is now our endeavour to educate global citizens at BBPS.

Moulding impressionable minds, unleashing the hidden potentials, and guiding them to the right paths lit with learning and knowledge is a challenging and very responsible job. A job that cannot be taken up without total and true dedication, determination, and passion.

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential; these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence. Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.

At BBPS, we emphasise Excellence. Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit.

The day is not far when our young scholars of BBPS  would soon excelin every field and prove their mettle as young scientists, young sportsmen, young achievers in almost all the fields of Education. After all, we impart more than Academics …………. Education.

Mr. Rajesh Kumar


BBPS Group of Institutions



Every passing year adds to our growth and development. Moving from neo- natal to the toddlers and onto the childhood stage our growth has been phenomenal and surely, not without toil.

Much research and training in the early years have gone into the making of  BBPS.

For teaching-learning process has not made us oblivious of the soft skills. Emphasis is laid on personality development, character-building, moral values and imparting of life-skills. This has kept at bay, the related problems of interpersonal relationship, degrading moral values, high level of stress, unhealthy competition and instant gratification of desires, low ethical surrender, reckless living and belief in justifying all means to attain  a noble end. It is no doubt that what BBPS develops are well rounded personalities, fine tuned to meet the demands of modern life.

May lord always guide and bless us in our noble endeavor.

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